Sunday, 14 April 2013

T’was the night before summer term

And alls’ well in our house.

For the first time others are posting on FB ‘looking forward to school going back’ or ‘it’s been a long 3 weeks, can’t wait for Monday'.

Being the organizational nutter that I am, all the school stuff was done the first weekend of the holidays.
Uniforms (winter, PE and others) washed. Backpack cleaned out. Dead pencils/markers replaced. Shoes cleaned and polished. Bags packed. One of the mums said to me in an email she was ‘desperately running around this weekend getting things ready for Monday’. I didn’t have the heart to say ‘we did that weeks ago’

MissM’s ready to go back to school tomorrow and see her friends and get stuck back into her routine of after school activities, but am I ready for her to go back? Honestly, no.

What’s that you say?

You’re not ready?

WHAT?????????????????????????? Is this the same woman from a few school holidays ago? 

Why, yes it is.

In fact, a couple more days together would be fun )or maybe I’m pushing my luck?)  These past 3 weeks has been near perfect and for that I’m so grateful.

The first week was MissM and I, then Easter, then G was with us for a week (giving him 9 straight days off work. His phone didn’t ring, and he never once turned the laptop on!) It’s been MissM and I for the last week – it worked out really well even if we didn’t get to Budapest to visit with friends (which we WILL DO SOOON)

We’ve got on SO WELL.

We’ve had some really lovely, interesting conversations and very few, if any arguments.

We’ve worked on solutions when needed and not been at loggerheads. Oh Ok, there was the What Can I Eat chat, but that’s not just a holiday thing – it was only exacerbated by the holidays certainly.

We’ve given each other space.

We got our hair done, had brunch out, danced in the lounge room, coloured in and watched several David Attenborough doco’s.

In between she’s had friends over, and been invited out to others; there’s been two sleepovers away from home and two sleepovers here.

We’ve pretty much spent the best part of the last 3 weeks in one another’s company and we’re still cuddling on the couch together.

It’s been a really great stay-cation. Here's a few pics to share. Sadly there's none of moi.

M&M World, London with B&E

Dim Sum in Chinatown, London

With G at Titchfield Abbey

Love that MissM has a curious mind, even on holidays

In Bath Abbey, getting help with the Kids Quiz

Magestic Titchfield Abbey

By the time mid term comes around in less than six weeks, G’s parents will be here.

Time flies when you’re having fun, and we certainly had fun these holidays.

With friendship

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