Monday 19 September 2011

Breathing Space

Gosh, the last week or so has given me some much needed breathing space, tho I could have done without MissM being sick and conking out last Thursday.

That’s all behind us, and she’s fine and back to school tomorrow.

We had a lovley 24 hours at the ANA Intercontinental Tokyo just swimming and hanging out. Enjoyed a lovely meal and conversation with MsS who has an energy and connection with kids every parent envies.  Incredible what a simple change of scenery can do for one’s spirit.

Think MissM is still unsure about the move. She keeps asking ‘when we come back to Japan………’ and I answer her truthfully, ‘we wont’ be coming back’ and she looks so sad. She told me she’s asked to speak to the school councilor about ‘my feelings’ that I think is brilliant and very mature of her. She said she has things she wants to talk to her about and did I mind.

Not at all! I think it’s great that she feels comfortable talking to someone other than her daddy or me. We can’t possibly always be the only council she takes. Of course I’m desperate to know what they talk about but I will wait for the phone call or emial (if I get one!)

DH is enjoying the UK office; there are a few people he’s worked with in Dublin in the office, proving yet again, it’s a small world when you work with a global organization. He’s met the client, sat in lots of meetings and completed the handover with Brad whose last day is Sept 20.

The downside this past week has been learning that there is limited suitable housing in Oxford and it’s been suggested we consider Winchester instead. So, back to Google I go ……….

MsS in Dublin is going thru similar to me with their impending move to Budapest. They were there last week for a look-see (not sure why we didn’t have one of these; we did for Japan, tho we didn’t for Ireland). Anyhow, MsS and Co looked at schools (found one, yeah) and houses. Found the perfect house that fits all their criteria, tho it’s about 20 minute drive to/from school OR a not so perfect house 10 minutes from school.

I’d go the perfect house and travel, but that’s just me.

We’re not even close to that! Our thinking for now is to find a good private school for MissM and pop her in ASAP and then have the freedom to find a house. Trying to do the two at the same time, same catchment area sounds like a drama we don’t need.

DH went for a w/end drive into Winchester and emailed thru some photos. It looks like a typical OOOOLLLLDDDD English city. Mia noticed right away there were no tall buildings. I noticed everyone was in jeans and jackets.

I’ve deleted the websites I discovered for Oxford and am busy replacing them with ones from Winchester. Thank goodness Curves is there and Stagecoach!

So while there are periods of time in transition that are turbulent and emotional there are also very normal days too, which helps balance things out and keep one sane.

With friendship

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